Make it happen! You probably hear positive statements swirling around you on a daily basis, meant to prop you up and propel you forward in life. “The world is your oyster!” “Pursue your dreams!” “You can achieve anything!” You might also, however, be one of the people for whom these words …
rewriting life
What Does Self-Worth Have to Do with Creating Fulfilling Relationships?
The answer is: “Everything!” For years, I acted as if my partners were more important than I. I listened to their needs first and worked hard to make them happy. I was so busy taking care of them that I never had time to ask what my needs were. As a result, I often felt exhausted, resentful and …
How to Attract And Maintain A Fulfilling Relationship
Years ago, I was in a marriage that wasn’t going very well. My husband and I both knew exactly what was wrong with the other, and we didn’t waste any time telling each other when the opportunity arose. After each new disagreement, I would call my friends to complain about the situation. They would …