Most women I speak with had no awareness they have “power”, which they can either use in their favor or give away to others.
It’s not about trying to change someone else or our external world. It’s about changing ourselves. When we choose to change ourselves, our entire world changes. This is what it means to take your power back.
Are you ready to reclaim your personal power?
4 Steps to an empowered relationship
My Story
Since I was a child, I learned to keep the peace at all costs. Even when it cost me my dreams.
Yet instead of creating peaceful, loving relationships—what I really got was war: constant fighting with my partner plus a lot of guilt, blame, and shame.
In my thirties, I reconnected with my inner Divinity. And I learned to harness the power of intention to transform everything I thought, felt, and experienced in relationships. I grew crystal clear about the love I wanted. I surrounded myself with the teachings of spiritual sages the world over. Above all, I learned to trust that despite the pain I was feeling, the Universe had my back.
It took me years to undo the self-sabotage that kept me stuck in relationships I didn’t want.
Through a lot of struggle and even more perseverance, I transformed my limiting beliefs and behaviors. In other words, I slew my inner saboteur.
I discovered that love can be easy. Yes, easy. I surrendered to the Divine more and more as I focused on creating the love I desired—and that’s when the ease, grace, and abundance came in.
You’re not alone when it comes to creating the love you want.
A deeply connected relationship is really a relationship between us, our partners, and the Divine. No matter how hard things are right now, I can teach you (whether you are single or in a long-term relationship) how to work with the Divine to co-create the relationship you are yearning for.
That’s not to say that relationships don’t take effort. They do! But with the right tools, even the work can be blissful.
Let me help YOU create the loving, deeply connected relationship for which you are yearning!