During the housing market collapse in 2008, I was getting divorced. Not only was I dealing with the emotional challenges of the breakup, but I also had to put our house on the market. I lived in Arizona at the time. Here the market was hit even worse than in many other places, which made this a …
Setting Goals
How To Attract The Perfect Match
“Universe, I want to meet a fantastic man. Please deliver him to me.” Chances are, the Universe was listening and thanks in part to your meditation and mindfulness practices, she served up a fantastic man. You couldn’t stop expressing your gratitude. That was until it became clearer that …
Summer Vision Board Check-In: How Are Your Dreams Manifesting?
Many of you created vision boards with me at the beginning of the year. We each set goals and chose images to represent those goals. We then carefully arranged the various visual manifestations of our dreams on our boards and hung them in a place where we could check in every day. One of my goals …