This week, my father-in-law passed away and our family members gathered in preparation for the services. In the days leading up to the funeral, we shared memories, meals, and helped with the preparations. However, the energy of grief was heavy and omnipresent, leaving us all feeling exhausted. The …
How To Use Meditation for Anxiety
Being bombarded daily by news filled with reports of natural disasters, deep political division, and terrorist attacks creates anxiety in many of us. The world feels unsafe and a creeping uneasiness slowly expands in our lives. The simplest technique I have found to counteract this is to use a …
How Do You Feel Today?
I love to go on hikes. Often, when I go on a hike, my head is full of thoughts about what I’m trying to solve and what upsets me. For the first ten to twenty minutes I carry on the conversation in my head. If I’m mad, I ruminate on what’s upsetting me; or I continue to think about a problem. As I …