Make it happen! You probably hear positive statements swirling around you on a daily basis, meant to prop you up and propel you forward in life. “The world is your oyster!” “Pursue your dreams!” “You can achieve anything!” You might also, however, be one of the people for whom these words …
The Key To Using The Law Of Attraction To Help You Find Lasting Love
Get yourself ready for love. The search for a partner can be emotionally challenging. It can make us feel lonely, disconnected and can mess with our sense of self-worth. And the dreaded question of whether it will EVER work out may persistently eat away at us. The good news is that we can …
How To Find True Love By Feeling Good
When I was single I spent much of my time waiting for that elusive knight in shining armor to swoop in and rescue me from my life. I had no idea how to attract that person and hoped that he would somehow fall into my lap. It wasn’t until I stopped waiting and worked on making myself happy that I was …