Make it happen! You probably hear positive statements swirling around you on a daily basis, meant to prop you up and propel you forward in life. “The world is your oyster!” “Pursue your dreams!” “You can achieve anything!” You might also, however, be one of the people for whom these words …
What’s Causing Your Pain In Relationships?
I’m thrilled to announce that in March I will be releasing my first book: Becoming Your Own Knight In Shining Armor: A Guide to Love that Feeds Your Soul. I cannot wait to see how it will support you in your journey to create fulfilling relationships! Writing this book has been a vision of mine …
How Do You Feel Today?
I love to go on hikes. Often, when I go on a hike, my head is full of thoughts about what I’m trying to solve and what upsets me. For the first ten to twenty minutes I carry on the conversation in my head. If I’m mad, I ruminate on what’s upsetting me; or I continue to think about a problem. As I …