Most of us are exhausted by the demands of ever-dinging emails, social media apps and real life challenges of modern life. As a matter of fact, Google searches for the term “self care” has rapidly increased over the past year. When we are feeling drained everyone around us is affected, most of all …
Why Healthy Relationships Contain Conflict
I used to love harmony in my family. As a matter of fact, I didn't just love harmony but I needed it. A calm, peaceful home with little conflict was essential to me. It’s something that my soul yearned for, and for a long time, I would do anything to maintain it. Sadly, this need kept me from having …
How to Bust Through Relationship Frustration
Want a really quick fix to feel better about your relationship, when you are frustrated with it? I have learned that being grateful for what I have allows me to transform the way I feel about my relationship in the matter of a few seconds. Here is an example from my new book Becoming Your Own …