The answer is: “Everything!” For years, I acted as if my partners were more important than I. I listened to their needs first and worked hard to make them happy. I was so busy taking care of them that I never had time to ask what my needs were. As a result, I often felt exhausted, resentful and unfulfilled.
At the root of this behavior was that I didn’t really feel worthy of time and attention. And this was mirrored back to me in my life. Over time, I learned that I needed to shift this situation. I started journaling daily in the early morning hours, when the house was quiet and my mind was rested. On the page, I allowed myself to experience what it would look and feel like to have more self worth and how I would respond to the people in my life from that place. I slowly started to understand that I needed to ask to have my needs met and set boundaries, if they weren’t. And to my great surprise, once I became clear, my partner was happy to comply.
To this day, I start my day out journaling. Consistency has made all the difference in creating a relationship with my inner voice and being able to notice what I need. Needs change and it is all too easy to push them aside again. Journaling reminds me where I stand and what I need in the current moment.
Here is a journaling activity from my forthcoming book, Becoming Your Own Knight in Shining Armor that can help you, if you are struggling with having your needs met.
Imagine feeling that you are always worthy of love no matter what.
What would this feel like in your body? Would you feel connected to the earth, strong, steady, or energized? Would you feel a deep sense of ease with yourself and those around you? Would you feel free to make decisions that pleased you?
Imagine feeling that your voice is worthy of being heard.
What would you speak out about and whom would you share your thoughts with? What limits would you set with the people closest to you? Who would you tell that you love them more often? How would it feel to communicate your passion?
Imagine feeling self-confident.
How would self-confidence feel in your body? What could you accomplish? Would you feel strong, courageous, excited? What would your self-talk sound like?
To find out more about the book Becoming Your Own Knight in Shining Armor and how to order it, click HERE.
To download a FREE chapter of my book, click HERE.
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